Tomate, Fior di Latte, Birnen, Walnüsse, Gorgonzola Fior di Latte, Birne, Walnüsse, Gorgonzola
Tastes good!
One Gaumenfreund tastes this dish
Tomate, Mozzarella, Rucola, Grana Padano, Parmaschinken Mozzarella Rucola, Parmezan, Parmaschinken
Tastes good!
One Gaumenfreund tastes this dish
(weiß) Fior di Latte, Schinken, Basilikum, Pilze, Caciocavallo (ohne Tomatensoße) Fior di Latte, Kochschinken, Hartkäse aus Kuhmilch, Champignons, Basilikum
Tastes good!
Tomaten, Kapern, Sardellen, Fior di Latte, Oregano Kapern, Sardellen, Fior di Latte,.Oregano
Tastes good!
Tomate, rote Paprika, Oliven, Fior di Latte, Artischocken, Zucchini, Basilikum, rote Paprika, Oliven, Zucchini Fior di Latte, Basilikum
Tastes good!
The date of last edit of this menu for Zola is 31.01.2024. All pictures to be considered serving suggestions. The current menu at the restaurant applies.